Strongman Robert Oberst's 20,000 Calorie Strongman Diet: FUEL [xobxl56ALeT]
Recipe: Strongman Pasta Asciutta -
In this episode of FUEL, a new series dedicated to the high-performance diets of athletes, we follow Robert Oberst—aka Obie—one of America’s leading professional strongmen, holder of the American record in the Log Lift, and eater extraordinaire. In an average day, Obie consumes 15,000–20,000 calories to power himself through hours of punishing training. From the gym to the kitchen, Obie shows us the kind of fuel he needs in order to stay at the top of his sport.
Check out "The 10,000 Calorie Sumo Wrestler Diet" -
Watch: "The Guy Who Survived on Pizza for 25 Years" -
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