Just-D8 Delta 8 / Delta 10 THC Dab Wax Review! 💯🔥 Crafty + [hM0hHCzUP-o]

21 & 18 years old only. This is my personal thoughts on Delta 8 THC. It's legal in all states as it comes from the hemp plant and contains less then 0.3% Delta 9 THC I am a medical marijuana patient and I am giving my personal thoughts and how I like using Delta 8! Any products you see or hear about are bought with my own funding or sent to me for free. There is no paid backing behind my opinion. Delta 8 and 9 are both legal in my state! Today we are just hanging out having some delta 8 dabs from Just-D8! These are really potent and strong. They have a nice effect with the Cannabinoid blend of Delta 8 THC, Delta 10 THC and CBN. 96% potency for 1gram of distillate. They offer bulk disty as well as small batches with some really good pricing! This is just the unflavored raw disty and i was blown away by how strong this stuff is! Long last relaxing effects that really help with pain management with an uplifting kick! Check out the sample packs of delta 8 syringes. They price and effects are both worth checking out!!! "just-d8store" code 10% off Use Just-Ran at checkout in the notes and you will receive your discount when processed! If you wanna know if Delta 8 THC really works check out my other reviews! Delta 8 THC is an amazing alternative to Delta 9 products. It's a legal and safe way to consume cannabinoids legally! Instagram: Ranwithit 94 www.instagram.com/ranwithit94/&ved=2ahUKEwjX6dWh9vrtAhXRo1kKHRpbAfgQFjAAegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw25Txo-Ni-tDVMf4jSPnFKl #nature cbd gummies #benefits of cbd gummie