पेट की चर्बी घटाने की होम्योपैथिक दवा | obesity | मोटापा | Homoeopathic medicine for weight loss. [ydjyVT5vIo2]

Hello friends I am Dr A Rashid Khan, Consultant homoeopathic physician at The Ultimate Cure Multispeciality clinic, In this video I have discussed about the homoeopathic medicine for obesity, SBL's phytolacca berry tablets. obesity,causes of obesity, complication of obesity,Homoeopathic medicines for obesity, SBL PHYTOLACCA BERRY TABLETS, obesity epidemic,obesity treatment,what is obesity,obesity in children,childhood obesity causes,obesity rates,child obesity,morbid obesity,obesity history,obesity in hindi,cause of obesity,obesity problem,obesity solution,obesity genetics,obesity remedies. मोटापा,मोटापा क्‍या है,मोटापा कैसे घटाएं,मोटापा कैसे कम करें,मोटापा कम करने के उपाय,वजन और मोटापा,मोटापा क्या है,मोटापा घटाने का उपाय,मोटापा कम करने के तरीके,मोटापा कम करने का तरीका,मोटापा कम करने के उपाये,मोटापा - कैसे घटाएं वजन?,मोटापे की समस्या,मोटापा कम करने के आसान उपाय DO SUBSCRIBE to "The Ultimate Cure", so that we can make a better & healthy future together. *DISCLAIMER: Any information on disease and treatment available on this channel are for educational and informational purposes only, not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice. Plz consult Dr A Rashid Khan or any other nearby physician. Thanks and regards Dr A Rashid Khan. @theultimatecure #shorts #obesity #homoeopathicmedicine #sbl #prevention @Dr A Rashid Khan #western medical weight loss #keto gummy bears weight loss #do sure slim keto gummies work