Improve your sexual health with these foods! | UroChannel [yYQ3m0JTMTy]

Sexual function is dependent upon the foods that we eat. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Stefan Buntrock, urologist from Göttingen, explains on UroChannel the impact of the right diet. The mediterranean diet has evolved as the most successfull dietary pattern for a healthy lifestyle with positive results on erectile function and fertility. A low calorie diet low on saturated fat will likewise contribute to sexual health improvement. Research has shown that cardiovascular disease and sexual functionality share the same modifiable risk factors. Eating the right food in the right amount is not only good for the heart but also for the penis. Nutrional medicine is an evolving field as food has a strong influence on the development of diseases and overall well-being and health. HOMEPAGE: SOCIAL MEDIA: CHECK OUT Golf_MD ON YOUTUBE FOR GOLF FITNESS AND MEDICAL TOPICS ON GOLF! #sexualhealth #nutrition #mediterraneandiet #love high gummies #endowed ultra male enhancement