Doctor Reveals his cutting stack | All the weight loss and cutting supplements I use. [sNAhfY1iMt-]
In this video I reveal my cutting stack, all the weight loss supplements , weight loss tablets, fat loss exercises, fat loss medicines, Fat loss secrets that only a doctor can tell you. This 9 minute video will take you through all my fat loss diet tips, and medicines and workout tips along with much more.
This includes BCAA , CARNITINE , how to use COFFEE FOR WEIGHT LOSS, Pre workouts , ayurvedic weight loss medicines etc.
Instagram ID: drankitbatra
DISCLAIMER: Dr. Ankit Batra does not support the use of illegal substances. Content written or on video, social media post by or associated with Dr. Ankit Batra in any format or any reproduction is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice and should not be taken as medical advice. You should see your healthcare provider with any medical concern you have. Do not take any medication without a prescription from your doctor.
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