TEASER: Curt's Cannabis Corner: What is Delta-10 THC? [Vr1pTAp-g-t]

This week on Curt's Cannabis Corner we’re dealing with a newcomer to the world of commercial cannabinoids, delta-10 THC. Please remember to #LearnAndTeachOthers™! The story of delta-10 THC is rife with irony. The phytomolecule was recently discovered by Fusion Farms in Adelanto, California. During a wildfire, a batch of outdoor grown plants became contaminated by fire retardant chemicals. Please check out this week's Curt's Cannabis Corner on MJNews Network: Dig it? Please LIke, Subscribe and Share. Thank you. Turn On. Tune In. Catch the Buzz. Marijuana Channel One is a creation of MJBA Publishing LLC. @2021 All rights are reserved. For more information, contact us at: [email protected] #mjnews #MJChannelOne #releaf cbd gummies #ingredients cbd gummies