A double 30-day challenge workout for kids to exercise their bellies and legs at the same time!
This workout brings some exercises that will make the little ones strengthen their bellies and legs' muscles, burning all the extra fat that's accumulated all over these regions. If they can finish this 30-day challenge kids will get toned and stronger legs, and a flat tummy!
Let's get the kids and start this new workout! 💪
00:00 Body Extensions
00:29 Rest
00:47 Donkey Kicks Left
01:25 Rest
01:42 Donkey Kicks Right
02:20 Rest
02:38 Mountain Climber
03:04 Rest
03:22 Leg Lifts
03:44 Rest
04:01 Step Back Jacks
04:24 Rest
04:46 Body Extensions
05:16 Rest
05:33 Donkey Kicks Left
06:11 Rest
06:29 Donkey Kicks Right
07:07 Rest
07:24 Mountain Climber
07:51 Rest
08:09 Leg Lifts
08:31 Rest
08:48 Step Back Jacks
09:10 Rest
09:33 Reverse Crunches
10:12 Rest
10:30 Reach Through
11:03 Rest
11:21 Split Jumps
11:41 Rest
11:58 T Plank
12:58 Rest
13:20 Reverse Crunches
14:00 Rest
14:17 Reach Through
14:50 Rest
15:08 Split Jumps
15:28 Rest
15:45 T Plank
16:45 Rest
17:02 Diagonal Abs Left
17:31 Rest
17:49 Diagonal Abs Right #do diet pills affect fertility #speed in diet pills #worst diet pills #keto genesis keto acv gummies #weight loss medical clinic