Serious problem in turtle,Penile prolapse in soft shell male turtle, [Owb2jBxoGZz]

Soft shell Male turtle is presented at veterinary polyclinic with compliant of penile prolapse, Prolapse mass is swollen and edimatous After cleaning with antiseptic and cold water, lignocaine gelly and antibiotic cream is applied on prolapse mass Repositioning of prolapse mass done and inj lignocaine given subcutaneously pursue string sutures taken around anus with vicryl 2-0 Antibiotics,Painkiller and multivitamin were given in follow-up treatment Turtle recovered immediate after repositioning of prolapse mass Thank you Dr Hrishikesh Tekade, Aditya Adgaonkar and Rohan Bharade for video recording And Dr Manali Patil for voice editing #penis enlargment dr miami #male enhancement clinics #herbs to enlarge penis