How To TRAIN If You Are At 30% Body Fat (7 Exercises) [N9yP4_T_bia]

Apply for 1-on-1 Online Coaching: - You will often hear that if you are at 30% body fat, you should not lift weights. But instead, do intense cardio sessions to lose the fat first. This is absolutely false! I have helped hundreds of people go from 30% to a healthy 15% body fat while using lifting weights as their main form of training. While your nutrition is in a calorie deficit, lifting weights consistently ensures that you at least maintain muscle while losing fat. As you will see in this video, resistance training also has specific benefits to your fat loss progress. There are 7 key movement patterns I want you to train if you are now at 30% body fat. See the timestamps below to learn more! 0:00-0:40 Why Lifting Weights Is Key! 0:41-1:49 Exercise 1: Squat 1:50-2:44 Exercise 2: Horizontal Push 2:45-3:40 Exercise 3: Vertical Pull 3:41-4:15 Exercise 4: Vertical Push 4:16-5:05 Exercise 5: Hip Hinge 5:06-5:34 Exercise 6: Torso Rotation 5:35-6:56 Exercise 7: Cardio (Long Walks) 6:57-7:29 Example Workout Program 7:30-8:09 Real-Life Progress Examples 8:10-8:40 Coaching & Conclusion #kaley cuoco ellen keto gummies #how do keto gummies work #turbo diet pills #good keto acv gummies