Should you choose Delta 8 or Delta 10 THC? [9IAXAkKRVa8]

- Join our free WayofLeaf Facebook community where we share info, and discuss all things cannabis, strains, and growing with a knowledgeable community of beginners and experts alike! Delta 8 and Delta 10 THC represent some of the newest and most progressive cannabis products of the past two decades. As structural analogs of the "traditional" delta 9 compound, delta 8 and delta 10 THC are known for their medicinal benefits and their subtle, mild high. The two compounds do produce slightly different effects, however, and in this video summary we point out key differences between the two so you can make the most informed decision as far as which one you should be using. Follow us on: Instagram: Facebook: #vitapur cbd gummies #knonsu cbd gummies #cbd gummies leagal #cbd gummy and tylenol