Viagra An Anti-Cancer Drug? May Even Help Treat Esophageal Cancer [37EmdvqBzWL]

Drugs which are routinely used to treat tens of millions of men for erectile dysfunction may also assist in the arduous and slow chemotherapy treatment of esophageal cancer – just a nasty disease. Hi there, I'm the Study Finds Guy, Geoff Allen this is the latest from Study Finds. Please be sure to like and subscribe to get all of our latest updates. Research funded by Cancer Research UK and the Medical Research Council finds that PDE5 inhibitors, help to shrink tumors in the esophagus and reverse a patient’s resistance to chemotherapy. More Info: Video & Image Credit: Videvo – H_Ko - #StudyFinds #ErectileDysfunction #EsophagealCancer #MensHealth #RepurposedDrugs #Viagra #trumale male enhancement #simple way to enlarge penis #acv pro plan gummies