How To Know If You Are Losing Fat Without Losing Muscle On Your Diet (Fat-Loss Sweet Spot Series) [1P-f3FpmaUz]

This video is Part 8 of my free mini-course about how to lose fat as fast as possible without losing extra lean mass (muscle). In this video, Dr. O talks about how to make sure you are losing fat and preserving muscle on your diet. Check out my best-selling Intermittent Fasting course: And my top-rated course on Sleep and Weight loss: Fat-Loss Sweet Spot Mini-Course: Part 1: Introduction Explains why it is crucial to be smart about weight loss to make sure you aren’t losing muscle: Part 2: How aggressive can you diet? Explains why someone that has more body fat can be much more aggressive with their fat-loss program: Part 3: Best rate of weight loss Explains how to determine how fast you can lose weight without losing muscle: Part 4: Use it or lose it Explains how exercise preserves muscle on a diet: Part 5: The importance of protein Explains how eating too little protein leads to muscle loss on a diet: Part 6: Determining protein intake Explains how to figure out how much protein you need while on a weight loss diet: Part 7: How sleep and stress impact weight loss: Explains how poor sleep and stress accelerate muscle loss on a diet Part 8: How to track your progress Explains how to look for signs that you are losing lean mass/muscle while dieting: Medical and Health Disclaimer: This Video Presentation is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or symptom. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen on this informational and educational Video Presentation. Your use and reliance on this Video Presentation is at your sole risk. If you believe you may have a medical emergency, call 911 immediately. #can diet pills #best keto acv gummy #keto gummies coles